Monday, April 20
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Medrano’s class will meet on Zoom from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:30 to 12:30 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Alexander’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:00 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Mrs. Prieur’s class will meet on Zoom from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Mrs. Prieur at 10:00 am. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
Click to watch Subtracting with Regrouping on BrainPop Jr.User ID: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Click to watch Addition with Regrouping on BrainPop Jr.User ID: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Complete “Dino Riddle” on page 7 in your Think Stretch book.
Complete “Day 1” only on page 8 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Reading: Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 1st Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 1 on page 4 in your Think Stretch book.
Reading Response: Use the Flip the Question video above to respond to the Brain Gain question on page 4 of your Think Stretch book.
Writing: Think Stretch book page 5. Choose a topic from the two options that are marked with the sun by circling it…or pick your own topic for a story.
Bonus Activity: Complete “Pennies Float” on page 9 in your Think Stretch book .
Extension Activities: Physical Education
Complete the “Pillow Flick Activity” on slide #2, complete the Would You Rather video on slide #3 and review the Important Information on slide #4.
Tuesday, April 21
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Halash at 3:00 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Day 2” on page 8 in your Think Stretch book.
Click to complete IXL lesson G:1 Don’t forget to log in! Username: summitnorth Password: teacher1
English Language Arts
Click to watch Concept Mapping on BrainPop Jr. Login: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Writing: After watching Concept Mapping video, draft your concept map in the “Draw Here” box on page 5 of your Think Stretch book.
Reading: Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 2nd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 2 on page 4 in your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: STEAM
Pick 3 “Hand drawings” and follow each step. Pick your best one to share.
Wednesday, April 22
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class Zoom from 4:00 to 4:30 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Medrano at 10:00 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Click to watch Using Repeated Addition to Multiply Review on BrainPop Jr. User ID: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Complete “Day 3” on page 8 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Writing: After watching the outlining video, draft your outline on the lined space on page 5 of your Think Stretch book.
Reading: Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 3rd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 3 on page 4 in your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Music
Watch the videos and try the activities on slides 2 through 6 of this week’s 3-5 Music Lessons.
Thursday, April 23
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Alexander at 12:00 pm. Please click Ms. Alexander’s Zoom link above at that time.
Click to watch Multiplication with Arrays Review on BrainPop Jr. User ID: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Complete “Day 4” on page 8 in your Think Stretch book
English Language Arts
Reading: Read for 20 minutes and color in the 4th Dino Egg. Add the book’s title and genre on page 4 in your Think Stretch book.
Writing: Compose your First Draft on page 6 of your Think
Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Media Center
Work on Hour of Code for 30 minutes.
Optional – play Ball Pop or Rabbit Round up. Log into your account so I can see your progress! If you need your username or password, please email me at
Friday, April 24
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Talbott at 1:00 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Day 5” on page 8 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Writing: After watching the instructional video on Editing, edit your First Draft on page 6 of your Think Stretch book.
Reading: Read for 20 minutes, color in the 5th Dino Egg, and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 5 on page 4 in your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: STEAM
Create a picture, a word, or a phrase, that sends a message to anyone that passes by. Examples: “Smile,” “We are in this together,” “Blue Ribbon for Beaumont”, etc. Follow the steps from the video on how to make your own stain glass. If you can when you are finished, take a picture and send it to me (
Monday, April 27
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Medrano’s class will meet on Zoom from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:30 to 12:30 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Alexander’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:00 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Mrs. Prieur’s class will meet on Zoom from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Mrs. Prieur at 10:00 am. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “What’s My Sign? (Only column A and B)” on pg. 13 in your Think Stretch book
Click to complete IXL lesson AA.4. Don’t forget to log in. Username: summitnorth Password: teacher1
English Language Arts
Reading Response: Watch the Summarizing video. Then answer the first 4 questions on page 11 of your Think Stretch book.
Reading: Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 1st Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 1 on page 10 in your Think Stretch book.
Social Studies
Extension Activities: Physical Education
Watch the video on Slide 2, Choose 1 activity from slides 3 & 4, Fill out and submit the Google Form on slide 5.
Extension Activity: Character Education-Complete any day this week
Tuesday, April 28
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Halash at 3:00 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Times Chart- Numbers 1-6 ONLY” on pg. 14 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Reading Response: Watch the Beginning and Middle Video, then answer the 5th and 6th question on page 11 and 12 of your ThinkStretch Workbook.
Reading: Read for 20 minutes and color in the 2nd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 2 on page 10 in your Think Stretch book.
Bonus Activity- Complete “Couch Potato Quiz!” on page 15 in your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Media Center
Work on coding with Lego WeDo Coding for 45 minutes.
Optional – do the Weekly/Special Projects. Log into your account so I can see your progress! If you need your username or password, please email me (
Wednesday, April 29
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class Zoom from 4:00 to 4:30 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Medrano at 10:00 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Times Chart- numbers 7-12” on pg. 14 in your Think Stretch book
Click to complete IXL lesson F.8. Don’t forget to log in. Username: summitnorth Password: teacher1
English Language Arts
Reading Response: Watch the End Summary video, then answer the 7th question on page 12 of your Think Stretch book.
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 3rd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 3 on page 10 in your Think Stretch book.
Social Studies
Extension Activity: Music
Click ‘Present’ in the upper righthand corner of the screen and follow the video instruction for slides 2-8. If you would like to share any of your responses, please email Ms. Nellett at
Thursday, April 30
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Alexander at 12:00 pm. Please click Ms. Alexander’s Zoom link above at that time.
English Language Arts
After watching the video create a different ending to your story on page 12 of your Think Stretch book.
Reading: Read for 20 minutes and color in the 4th Dino Egg. Add the book’s title and genre for day 4 on page 10 in your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Spanish
Sing the HOLA greeting song to yourself or a family member. HOLA! HOLA! HOLA! Como estas? Muy bien! Muy bien! Espero tu tambien! HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! How are you? I’m Fine! I’m Fine! and hoping you are too.
Click here with the help of a parent to log into Rockalingua. Username: Summit1. Password: dragons. Scroll down to VIDEOS. Watch the video titled “Las Partes del Cuerpo” (parts of the body). Sing along with the video and point at the parts of the body while dancing to the song.
Friday, May 1
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Talbott at 1:00 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
Click to watch Comparing Numbers on BrainPop Jr. User ID: summit academy north Password: summit
Click to complete IXL lesson A:9. Don’t forget to log in! Username: summitnorth Password: teacher1
English Language Arts
Reading: Read for 20 minutes, color in the 5th Dino Egg, and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 5 on page 4 in your Think Stretch book.
Social Studies
Extension Activity: STEAM
Flexibility: Draw a picture of a “Flexibility Tree” using the branches of the tree to label all the ways that you have been flexible during this time. Come up with 4 – 7 flexibility branches and color your picture. When finished, take a picture and send it to me. (
Monday, May 4
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Medrano’s class will meet on Zoom from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:30 to 12:30 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Alexander’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:00 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Mrs. Prieur’s class will meet on Zoom from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Mrs. Prieur at 10:00 am. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Name Collection Boxes” on page 19 in your Think Stretch book.
Complete “Multiplication Facts: Day 1” on page 20 in your Think Stretch book
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 1st Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 1 on page 16 in your Think Stretch book.
Trace and then copy the Cursive Alphabet on page 17 in your Think Stretch book.
Complete “Hinges” on page 21 in your Think Stretch book
Extension Activities: Physical Education
Watch the video on Slide 2 and choose 1 activity from slides 3 and 4 (or do all activities, the choice is yours!) Slide 5 and 6 are optional activities/calendars. Don’t forget to submit your Google Form on Slide 6.
Extension Activity: Character Education-Complete any day this week
Tuesday, May 5
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Halash at 3:00 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete Multiplication Facts: Day 2 on page 20 in your Think Stretch book.
Complete IXL lesson U.4 Don’t forget to log in! Username: summitnorth Password: teacher1
Complete IXL lesson I.5 Don’t forget to log in! Username: summitnorth Password: teacher1
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 2nd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 2 on page 16 in your Think Stretch Book.
Extension Activity: Media Center
Work on Syllables and Irregular Spelling for 45 minutes.
Optional – Work on any past assignments in Tynker. Log into your account so I can see your progress! If you need your username or password, please email me (
Wednesday, May 6
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class Zoom from 4:00 to 4:30 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Medrano at 10:00 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete Multiplication Facts Day 3 on page 20 of your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Create your own acrostic poem on page 18 in your Think Stretch book.
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 3rd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 3 on page 16 in your Think Stretch book.
Social Studies
Click to watch Branches of Government video. Brainpop Jr. Login: Username: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Extension Activity: Music
After you’ve watched the Padlet video, click on the URL provided in web resources to get started. When the page has loaded, read through the ‘Start Here’ section. After this, complete the activities for the following sections: Street Stomp, Listening Activity, Instrument Play-alongs, and Create & Explore.
Thursday, May 7
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Alexander at 12:00 pm. Please click Ms. Alexander’s Zoom link above at that time.
Create your own graph using tally marks.
Complete Multiplication Facts: Day 4 on page 20 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Click here to watch Poems Video on BrainPop Jr. Username: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 4th Dino Egg and add the book’s title and genre for day 4 on page 16 in your Think Stretch Book.
Extension Activity: Spanish
Practice our HOLA greeting song by singing it out loud to yourself, a friend or a family member. HOLA! HOLA! HOLA! Como estas? Muy bien! Muy bien! Espero tu tambien! HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! How are you? I’m Fine! I’m Fine! and hoping you are too.
Click here with the help of a parent to log into Rockalingua. Username: Summit1 Password: dragons. Scroll down to VIDEOS. Watch the video titled “Las Primavera” (Spring).
Look at the Rockalingua Flash Cards and try sounding out the words. Make a set of “Spring” flashcards using the same words and color them.
Friday, May 8
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Talbott at 1:00 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete Multiplication Facts: Day 5 on page 20 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 5th Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 5 on page 16 in your Think Stretch Book.
Social Studies
Click to watch Local and State Government video! Brainpop Jr. Username: summitacademynorth password: summit
Extension Activity: STEAM
Enthusiasm: Draw a picture of a heart. Fill that heart with all the things that you should be putting your whole heart into. Remember, during this time it is okay to put your all into some “You time” and relax. It’s okay to have some time that might be seen as “unproductive.” If you plan a productive day, and that includes a nap or a T.V. show, put your whole heart into keeping that daily plan. When finished, take a picture and send it to me. (
Monday, May 18
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Medrano’s class will meet on Zoom from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:30 to 12:30 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Alexander’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:00 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Mrs. Prieur’s class will meet on Zoom from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Mrs. Prieur at 10:00 am. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Measurement” on page 31 in your Think Stretch book.
Complete “Multiplication Facts” Day 1 on page 32 of your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
As you watch the Narrative Writing Video Part 1, complete page 29 of your Think Stretch book.
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 1st Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 1 on page 28 in your Think Stretch book.
Click to log into Edgenuity and complete one lesson and one quiz for Reading Pathblazer. Username and password are the same as your Chromebook login.
Social Studies
Extension Activities: Physical Education
Read through the ‘Start Here’ section. Complete the warmup from Mrs. Kapp, Workout in the Virtual Gym, watch the 2 videos for Components of Fitness on Flexibility & Body Composition.
Optional: Try the At Home PE games
Extension Activity: Character Education – Complete any day this week
Tuesday, May 19
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Halash at 3:00 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Click here to watch “Inches and Feet” video on BrainPop Jr. Username: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Complete “Multiplication Facts” Day 2 on page 32 in your Think Stretch book.
Click here to complete IXL Lesson BB:3 Don’t forget to log in! Username: summitnorth Password: teacher1
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 2nd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 2 on page 28 in your Think Stretch book.
Click to log into Edgenuity and complete one lesson and one quiz for Reading Pathblazer. Username and password are the same as your Chromebook login.
Extension Activity: Media Center
Work on Augmented Reality in Tynker. Log into your account so I can see your progress! If you need your username or password, please email me (
Extension Activity: STEAM
Draw a picture of someone or something that you depend on. Why is it that you depend on them? What makes them dependable? (Example: My Dad is dependable because he picks me up from school, makes dinner, or helps me take care of my dog. My Dad is dependable because he keeps his word.) Draw an example of something that represents dependability. Explain in a few words what you drew. When finished, send me a picture using the subject as “your name” Dependability” to
Wednesday, May 20
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class Zoom from 4:00 to 4:30 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Medrano at 10:00 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Multiplication Facts” Day 3 on page 32 in your Think Stretch book.
Click to log into Edgenuity and complete one lesson and one quiz for Math Pathblazer. Username and password are the same as your Chromebook login.
English Language Arts
As you watch the Narrative Writing Video Part 2, complete the rest of page 29 in your Think Stretch book.
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 3rd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 3 on page 28 in your Think Stretch book.
Social Studies
Extension Activity: Music
Begin by reading through the ‘I sing hello!’ section and be sure to share some good news! After this, follow the activities in sections ‘Street Stomp’, ‘Ms. Nellett’s Music Cafe’, ‘Instrument Play-Alongs’, and ‘Creation Station’. If you would like to view last week’s activities, follow the link on ‘Links to Previous Activities’. If that isn’t enough, check out the ‘Extra Fun’ section to enjoy some more musical fun!
Thursday, May 21
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Alexander at 12:00 pm. Please click Ms. Alexander’s Zoom link above at that time.
Click here to watch Centimeters, Meters and Kilometers video on BrainPop Jr. Username: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Complete “Multiplication Facts” Day 4 and Day 5 on page 32 of your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
As you watch the Narrative Writing Video Part 3, follow along with the video to complete pages 29 and 30 in your Think Stretch book.
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 4th Dino Egg and add the book’s title and genre for day 4 on page 28 in your Think Stretch book.
Click to log into Edgenuity and complete one lesson and one quiz for Reading Pathblazer. Username and password are the same as your Chromebook login.
Extension Activity: Spanish
Practice our HOLA greeting song by singing it out loud to yourself, a friend or a family member. HOLA! HOLA! HOLA! Como estas? Muy bien! Muy bien! Espero tu tambien! HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! How are you? I’m Fine! I’m Fine! and hoping you are too.
Look over your Animales del Zoologico list (from last week) and see how many zoo animals you translated correctly. Here is the ANSWER KEY: tiger, elephant, lion, gorilla, giraffe, monkey, kangaroo, camel, hippopotamus, crocodile, bear, penguin, zebra, snake, shark, fish, condor, eagle.
Search for the Spanish name of 5 more animals and add them to your list. (Remember to write both the English and Spanish word for each animal.)
Tuesday, May 26
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Halash at 3:00 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Number Names” on page 37 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 2nd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 2 on page 34 in your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Media Center
Continue to work on Augmented Reality in Tynker. Log into your account so I can see your progress! If you need your username or password, please email me (
Extension Activity: Physical Education
Read through the ‘Start Here’ section. Complete the warmup from Mrs. Kapp, Fitness Video and At Home PE sections. The Bonus Activities section has a Cooking with Kapp video. Review the Field Day column. We will send home more information about our Virtual Field Day soon.
Wednesday, May 27
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class Zoom from 4:00 to 4:30 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Medrano at 10:00 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Click here to complete IXL lesson B:8 Don’t forget to log in! Username: summitnorth Password: teacher1
English Language Arts
Write your own comic in your Think Stretch book on pages 35 and 36 or click here to create a comic on Make Beliefs Comix website. Make sure to email a picture of your completed comic to your teacher.
Click here to watch the Synonyms & Antonyms BrainPop Jr video User ID: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 3rd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 3 on page 34 in your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Music
Begin by reading through the ‘I sing hello!’ section and be sure to share some good news! After this, follow the activities in sections ‘Street Stomp’, ‘Ms. Nellett’s Music Cafe’, ‘Instrument Play-Alongs’, and ‘Creation Station’. If you would like to view last week’s activities, follow the link on ‘Links to Previous Activities’. If that isn’t enough, check out the ‘Extra Fun’ section to enjoy some more musical fun!
Thursday, May 28
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Alexander at 12:00 pm. Please click Ms. Alexander’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Fact Families” on page 38 in your Think Stretch book.
Make up 5 more fact families using digits 4,6,7,8,12 on a piece of paper. For example, if I chose the number 4, my fact family might be: 4×9=36, 9×4=36, 36÷9=4 and 36÷4=9.
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 4th Dino Egg and add the book’s title and genre for day 4 on page 34 in your Think Stretch book.
Complete “Cooking” on page 39 in your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Spanish
As a review, practice our HOLA greeting song by singing it out loud to yourself, a friend or a family member. HOLA! HOLA! HOLA! Como estas? Muy bien! Muy bien! Espero tu tambien! HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! How are you? I’m Fine! I’m Fine! and hoping you are too!
Click here with the help of a parent to log into Rockalingua. Username: Summit1 Password: dragons. Scroll down to VIDEOS. Watch the video titled “Las Partes del Cuerpo”. Sing along with the video and point at the parts of the body while dancing to the song.
Make flash cards (using index cards, line paper or any paper you may have at home). Your flash cards should have the picture of the body part on the front of the card and the Spanish word for the body part on the back of the card. For assistance, click Worksheets and find the worksheet titled Partes del Cuerpo. Use page one of the worksheet.
OPTIONAL: Play one (or more) of the games for this lesson. There are three games, Memory Game, Concept Race, or Drag & Match.
Extension Activity: Character Education-Complete any day this week.
Friday, May 29
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Talbott at 1:00 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
OPTIONAL: Join Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link at 12:00 p.m. and play a fun game of Kahoot!
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 5th Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 5 on page 34 in your Think Stretch book.
Social Studies
Click here to watch the Branches of Government BrainPop Jr video User ID: summitacademynorth Password: summit
Extension Activity: STEAM
This week you will have a video to watch of all the art that has been submitted and then you can choose one, or more, activities from the list provided. When finished send me a picture using the subject as “your name” Week 6 Pick to
Monday, June 1
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Medrano’s class will meet on Zoom from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:30 to 12:30 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Alexander’s class will meet on Zoom from 11:00 to 11:30 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Mrs. Prieur’s class will meet on Zoom from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Mrs. Prieur at 10:00 am. Please click Mrs. Prieur’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Division” on page 42 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 1st Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 1 on page 40 in your Think Stretch book.
Social Studies
Extension Activity: STEAM
This week, please practice showing gratitude and being kind. Some of the ways you can do that are listed below. Please choose at least two:
Write messages using chalk on the sidewalk for all those who walk by to read. For example, you could write “Thank you for helping during this difficult time!” or “We will make it through this together!”
Write a letter to family members to let them know how much you appreciate them.
Mail a card, a letter, or send an email to a family member or friend that does not live near you to let them know you are thinking of them.
Draw a picture or make a gift for someone you love.
Create your own way of being kind and showing gratitude.
Bonus Challenge: After all your schoolwork is complete, use the rest of the day to play without TV, Phones, or Video Games. You could create a game or your own, exercise, sit outside and read in the sunshine, draw, dance, play a sport, and more! Create some good memories!
Extension Activity: Character Education – Complete any day this week
Tuesday, June 2
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Halash at 3:00 pm. Please click Ms. Halash’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “Pet Shop” on page 43 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
After you watch the video on Summarizing Day 2, write a summary of your comic that you wrote last week on page 41 in your Think Stretch book.
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 2nd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 2 on page 40 in your Think Stretch Book.
Social Studies
Extension Activity: Media Center
Continue to work on assignments in Tynker. Log into your account so I can see your progress! If you need your username or password, please email me (
Wednesday, June 3
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Ms. Halash’s class and Ms. Talbott’s class Zoom from 4:00 to 4:30 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Medrano at 10:00 am. Please click Ms. Medrano’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “What’s my Sign?” on page 44 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 3rd Dino Egg and fill in your book’s title and genre for Day 3 on page 40 in your Think Stretch book.
Social Studies
Extension Activity: Music
Read through the ‘Start Here’ section. Complete the activities for the following sections: Street Stomp, Ms. Nellett’s Musical Cafe, and Creation Station. If you’d like more content, check out previous lessons and that Extra Fun section.
Thursday, June 4
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Alexander at 12:00 pm. Please click Ms. Alexander’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete “The Toy Store” on page 45 in your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. Color in the 4th Dino Egg and add the book’s title and genre for day 4 on page 40 in your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Spanish
Practice our HOLA greeting song by singing it out loud to yourself, a friend or a family member. HOLA! HOLA! HOLA! Como estas? Muy bien! Muy bien! Espero tu tambien! HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! How are you? I’m Fine! I’m Fine! and hoping you are too.
On a separate sheet of paper, write out the Spanish and English names for the animals on the video.
Friday, June 5
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Talbott at 1:00 pm. Please click Ms. Talbott’s Zoom link above at that time.
Extension Activity: Physical Education – Welcome to our VIRTUAL FIELD DAY!
Watch the Field Day message from Mrs. Kapp and read the Instructions section. Next, go to The Game Zone and choose your games to play. Fill out the Exit Slip. The Cooking with Kapp, Field Day Read A Louds and June Fitness Calendar are BONUS sections.