Welcome to the Second Grade Classroom

General Information

The Second Grade Team is excited about working with you through the remainder of the school year. Parents, we are here to help. Please email a teacher with any questions or concerns. We know that working together we will prepare your child for future success in Third Grade at Summit Academy North Elementary School.

Second Grade Team Emails
Mrs. Ciccantelli Email: cciccan@summitacademy.com
Ms. Kroll Email: jkroll@summitacademy.com
Mrs. Wesley Email: iwesley@summitacademy.com
Ms. Wightman Email: wwightman@summitacademy.com

Second Grade Zoom Video Conference Rooms

Archived Assignments

Click to explore past assignments

Daily Assignments
  • Assignments
  • Web Resources
  • Videos
  • Additional Resources

Monday, June 8
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
Mrs. Wesley’s class will meet on Zoom at 2:30 pm. Please click Mrs. Wesley’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Wightman’s class will meet on Zoom at 3:00 pm. Please click Ms. Wightman’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Kroll’s class will meet on Zoom at 3:30 pm. Please click Ms. Kroll’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete page 49 in your Think Stretch book. Send your teacher a picture of your amazing work through email or Remind.
Complete the day 1 column on page 50 of your Think Stretch book. Don’t forget to time yourself!
English Language Arts
On a separate sheet of paper, make a list of the letters A through Z. Write things you did or learned this school year that start with each letter of the alphabet. Send your teacher a picture of your work through email or Remind.
Read for 20 minutes. After you are done, tell a family member or friend what you read using the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, and why.
Fill out your reading log on page 46 of your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Physical Education
Click to view the Padlet Lessons. When the page has loaded, read through the ‘Start Here’ section. Watch Mrs. Kapp’s video message. Complete the Bop It assignment. Watch Cooking with Kapp for a new recipe! Bonus sections include: Summer Bucket List and Extra Activity resources.
Extension Activity: Character Education – Complete any day this week
Tuesday, June 9
Daily Announcement
Use a deck of cards or a dice to make 2 three-digit numbers. Add and subtract the numbers that you created. Repeat these steps at least 5 times.
Complete the day 2 column on page 50 in your Think Stretch book. Don’t forget to time yourself!
English Language Arts
On a separate sheet of paper, write a letter to a friend. Make sure you include the 5 parts to a letter! Send a picture of your friendly letter to your teacher through email or Remind.
Read for 20 minutes. After you read, tell a family member or friend what you read using the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, and why.
Fill out your reading log on page 46 of your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Media Center
Listen to the story I Am Enough. I miss you! I picked this book for our last book together. I hope you have a great summer!
Wednesday, June 10
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Mrs. Wesley at 9:00 am. Please click Mrs. Wesley’s Zoom link above at that time.
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Mrs. Ciccantelli at 2:00 pm. Please click Mrs. Cicantelli’s Zoom link above at that time.
Walk around your house or neighborhood. Try to find as many two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes as you can!
Complete the day 3 column on page 50 in your Think Stretch book. Don’t forget to time yourself!
English Language Arts
Complete pages 47 and 48 in your Think Stretch book.
Read for 20 minutes. After you read, tell a family member or friend what you read using the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, and why.
Fill out the reading log on page 46 of your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Music
For our last week of music, please use the web resource found above. Read through each section as follows: ‘A personal message from Ms. Nellett’, ‘We Shall Overcome’, ‘Ms.Nellett’s Tribute to you’, and ‘How to keep music in your life throughout the summer’.
Thursday, June 11
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Wightman at 10:00 am. Please click Ms. Wightman’s Zoom link above at that time.
Complete the day 4 column on page 50 of your Think Stretch book.
English Language Arts
Read for 20 minutes. After you read, tell a family member or friend what you read using the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, and why.
Fill out the reading log on page 46 of your Think Stretch book.
Extension Activity: Spanish
As a review, practice our HOLA greeting song by singing it out loud to yourself, a friend or a family member. HOLA! HOLA! HOLA! Como estas? Muy bien! Muy bien! Espero tu tambien! HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! How are you? I’m Fine! I’m Fine! and hoping you are too!
Follow along by moving around and making the same movements as seen on the video. Also, try to sound out the Spanish words and sing along.
Click here and review the Flash Cards. Sound out all the words. Be sure to practice your Spanish and Log-In to Rockalingua as much as you can throughout the summer. KEEP PRACTICING YOUR ESPAÑOL. Have a SAFE and WONDERFUL VERANO!!
Friday, June 12
Daily Announcement
Zoom Meetings and Tutoring
All students are welcome to attend tutoring with Ms. Kroll at11:00 am. Please click Ms. Kroll’s Zoom link above at that time.
Mrs. Ciccantelli’s class will meet on Zoom at 3:30 pm. Please click Mrs. Ciccantelli’s Zoom link above at that time.
Ms. Kroll’s class will meet on Zoom at 4:00 pm. Please click Ms. Kroll’s Zoom link above at that time.
On a separate sheet of paper, write and draw a picture about your favorite second grade memory.
English Language Arts
Click to watch and dance along to this celebration video. We are so proud of all the hard work you did this year! We will miss you, boys and girls. Enjoy your summer!
Extension Activity: STEAM
Click to watch “Be A Light” by Thomas Rhett and Friends. Always keep these lyrics in mind as you go through each day.
Create a plan for the perfect summer. Please draw a picture of one way you will help: your community, your parents/family, a friend, you stay active with school, you have fun, and you better yourself. Take a picture of your work and send it to me at vdaniels@summitacademy.com. Here is something I did to help my community: I purchased “Thank You” balloons for nurses and police men.
Extension Activity: FAREWELL PARADE
Today is the LAST DAY of the school year! Join us for our FAREWELL PARADE on Friday, June 12th, at Summit Academy North Elementary. Decorate your car, beep your horn, wave to the teachers and drive through the school parking lot anytime between 6:30pm-7:30pm. We will have lots of give-aways! We will be practicing social distancing so please remain in your car! See all of you Dragons tonight! #SummitStrong